Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Love/Hate relationship with Candy

My favorite subject, candy! I can't live with it and I can't live without it!  Tuesday nights is when I am at my worst.  Because last night was like every other Tuesday night I thought I would vent my frusturations with myself and my lack of self control with all of you! 

The first and third Tuesday night of the month I have a Board meeting for work.  It starts at 7pm, but I stay at work to prepare.  There is one office in particular that has the best candy bowl.  She has Kit-Kats, Snickers, Reese's Cups, Twix, and many more chocolate bars that I crave!  Remember when I started blogging again a couple of weeks ago and revealed where I had been.  Well, this candy bowl was a huge part of my problem.  I have been awesome the last few weeks, only visiting her once every couple of days. 

Last night, well, I had a bit of an issue with my self-control and this candy bowl.  It was a bit of a crazy evening with childcare for my daughter and it was past 5pm and I was starving.  I finally got to the point about 5:25 p.m. where I could make my dinner at work.  I was so hungry, I broke the seal and headed for the candy bowl first!  I only had one.  Fixed my dinner, and figured I needed another for dessert.  After eating dinner and dessert, I decided I needed more.  I lost count at some point.  I have no idea how many piecese of candy I ate last night. 

I need a good plan of attack for the next Tuesday night Board meeting.  You would think the nasty headache I had last night on the way home from the meeting would keep me away next time, but I really don't think it will. 

Thank you for listening to my vent about my relationship with candy.  It holds me accountable to say outloud the problems I have!

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