Monday, November 08, 2010

Monday Madness

Here it is, Monday again!  I took the weekend off from blogging because my daughter and I were out of town for the weekend.  We traveled to McMinnville, OR with my parents for a Linfield College football game.  Linfield College is my Alma Mater.

This week I can say Monday is not all that maddening!  I made what I felt were some great choices this weekend!  When traveling that can be difficult, especially when traveling and tailgaiting!  But, luckily, I have a great support system and my parents know my journey.  I have three moments from the weekend I am most proud of. 

1. My mom has been working on a journey herself and especially gets it.  She was prepared with veggie burgers to BBQ after the football game.  Hamburgers were cooked for my dad and daughter, and veggie burgers for myself and my mom! I did add a cold piece of bacon to it, but have to indulge sometime!  I had the veggie burger on a sandwich thin and used a little mayo and a Sun Dried Tomato Laughing Cow wedge.  I love those wedges and had not tried the new flavors yet!  Also added some portabello mushroom.  This was one good veggie burger!! And, I inhaled the left over mushrooms with a little salt and pepper sprinkled on, this might be a new favorite side dish of mine!  The mushrooms had been on the BBQ. 

2. The drive to McMinnville can take us about 4 hours in a car, without a 5 year old that drank too much liquid.  Our drive in the motorhome, with a 5 year that needed to go potty A LOT, it took about 6 hours.  This included a top at Burgerville.  We do not have Burgerville in the Seattle suburbs, so I did not know what to expect.  They are brilliant! I ordered their Seasoned Turkey Burger.  It was awesome!!  Now, looking at their nutrition values, a small cheeseburger probably would have been better.  But, I was hungry, and I made what I felt was a good choice, and it tasted awesome! I will not get down on myself for this choice! 

3. On the way home on Sunday we stopped at a rest area and made sandwiches.  I had regular bread, instead of the thins.  My mom mixed up a salmon spread and I added to my bread another laughing cow wedge.  Tasted great!  I love the foods I have discovered over the years that I did not like as a kid, but now enjoy them so much!  My daughter was getting ansy, so I took her out to run around in the grass a bit!  I could have sat on a bench and just told her to run in circles, but what fun is that.  Her offer to play tag was just too good to pass up!  We ran around and played tag and I got some activity.  Probably not even a whole activity point, but it felt good! I love the way I can run after her now.

Here I am on Monday, feeling great about my decisions made while on the road this weekend.  I hope I can continue to make good decisions on my weekends, and make Monday less of a battle. 

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