Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Madness

Since my first Monday Madness column my weekends have changed drastically.  I am now alone with my daughter all weekend while my husband works.  This has been both good and bad on my eating habits. 

First, the good!  I am trying to keep her busy and planning a lot of outings.  With all the holiday activities this time of year, that is not hard.  The good thing is the more we are out of the house and doing fun activities, the less I am home eating.

The Bad. You guessed it, when we are home and not doing fun activities, I am eating too much.  I am grazing a lot.  I am working very hard at still writing down all of my snacks.  Nibble it, Scribble it, right??!!!  I need to have some pre-cut fruit or some kind of healthy snack to reach for.  I mostly have only healthy food choice in the house.  But, one servings turns into to two or three servings. 

My goal for next weekend it to limit my snacking while home with my daughter.

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