Saturday, October 23, 2010

I am still alive and kicking!!

Wow, I really haven't blogged here in awhile and I really should have.  I know I don't have a ton of readers probably, but I think I want to blog more and maybe inspire someone or I guess inspire myself!  Maintenance is HARD! I made it through two years and decided I didn't need the online tools anymore, that was mistake #1.  I did need them.  But, now we are cutting our family budget, so I am making myself use the tracking book, so got a stack of them in August, and oh, used like 2 of them.  That was mistake #2.  And I thought I could just watch what I ate and not worry about points, Oh, and forget moving, I didn't need that anymore either, or did I???  That was mistake #3 and #4. 

Oh wait, this morning our WW leader told us to celebrate and not dwell on mistakes.  So, here I am to celebrate.  I walked 4 out of the last 6 days! Yeah for me! And, I got my sister to join me for two of them!  I had only 3 or 4 pieces of my co-workers candy all week!!!  And believe me, that is something to really celebrate!!!  And, I made sensible meals and limited my extra snacks!  Okay, so I have something to celebrate today!  AND, after a hard couple of months and (SHOCK!!) trying to avoid meetings, I weighed in at goal for the month of October!  Thank goodness! I was 2lbs over goal on my home scale about a week and a half ago. 

So, here I am, going to blog again and share more and hope to get more readers that can help hold me accountable.  Please, share with me what you are celebrating today.  No dwelling on the mistakes!

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