Monday, October 06, 2008

I think the scale is broken!!!!

Or, water and no wine makes a bigger difference then I thought it did!!

At my WW meeting on Saturday I was a little concerned. I was 132.8 last week and expected to go up more this week. Well, on Saturday I was 131.6. I really, REALLY think the scale was broken. But, oh well!! It is the same scale I used last week.

But, then I realized the changes I made last week maybe made a bigger difference then I expected. First, I have rarely had wine in the evening. Jason is not drinking wine, and is jogging (for other reasons now, more on that later) so I am not drinking either. That one or two glasses of wine in the evening makes a HUGE difference! Also, my water intake has been awesome! I have a 1.5L water bottle I am chugging out of on a regular basis!

So, even though I can't keep my hand out of my co-workers peanut M&Ms, I am still loosing!

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