Friday, February 01, 2008


I don't know what else to title this post. I have had many titles run through my head, and this is what I typed!

Have you ever cried in a dressing room? I have, many times. Usually, it is because I couldn't find something to wear that looked good on me. The sizes I thought should fit, were too small and didn't look good. And the next size up was too big. And honestly, the next size up embarassed me.

Well, today I went to buy myself a few things. I need a swimsuit (going to do a river fitness class once a week at a pool by us that has a lazy river, the class uses the river as resistance). And, I need some workout clothes. I am going to start doing some DVDs at home, and plan to try the new Dancing with the Starts Cardio DVD, I will review it here after I try it.

So, the point of this post. I cried again today in a dressing room, because the size that I decided to try on for kicks, not knowing how it would fit, fit me well. And, I even had room, AND, it looked good! So, I bought a very cute, casual weekend outfit. And a workout take top with built in bra!

The size you ask?? Remember a few posts back when I said I wasn't going to buy much more until I hit size 8?? Well, I better go start spending!!! I have hit size 8 ladies and gentlemen! I haven't worn anything in a size 8 since college.

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